Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Strange Intense Cravings

I don't have much time today to write, but thought I should quickly share an update.

So far today, I've had unusually intense cravings. This seems to have come out of the blue, as yesterday and most of last week, I can honestly say I didn't feel this way. The antsy, irritation level is almost on par with the intensity of the first or second day of quitting. I think I know why. This Saturday will mark two full weeks of no smoking, cold turkey style. I remember from my other attempts there are certain benchmarks of withdrawal and I seem to have hit one today. There is the 3 day benchmark and the 10-14 day one. This is why you always hear quitters say the first 2 weeks are the hardest. If I understand it correctly (and I'll do some research and maybe do a more extensive post on the topic later) It takes about 3 days for the nicotine to reach negligible levels and about 10-14 days for the physical symptoms of withdrawal to subside. After those two bench marks, most of the fight against smoking truly is "all in the smoker's head."

I think today, my body is in the last throws of physical withdrawal. "Craving" might not be the best word to describe how I'm feeling today. It's not really that I'm sitting around right now craving a cigarette. Actually, I can honestly say I haven't even thought about a cigarette too much. It's more like a general anxiety .... like being on the verge of a panic attack or something. And I keep yawning. Yes, yawning. Its not a tired thing. It's weird, I keep yawning and yawning, to the point where I'm conscious of it now and my jaw actually is starting to hurt. Its almost like I'm a little short of breath and the yawning is a way to get some extra oxygen to my brain or something.

This too shall pass, I guess. Kinda sucks it all came on today, as I have a major test to study for.

Speaking of...better get back to studying.


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