Monday, December 13, 2010

Update Quickie

Still not smoking. I have no idea how long its been now, and I'm too lazy to go and do the math.

Robby hasn't smoked, either. He's off Chantix now, too.

Still not really seeing the financial rewards. Still a mystery why that is so.

Robby went to the Doctor last week, and get this, his blood pressure was up, sky high, so she finally decided to put him on medication. Can you believe it? The guy quits smoking, and his blood pressure gets worse instead of better.

I have managed to not gain an alarming amount of weight, despite being willy-nilly about my "diet plan."

Seems we just can't win for losing.

There are two things that still make it all worth it. And I mean that. I've been very clear that I did not quit smoking because I wanted to, I did it out of necessity. Robby and I were years past the time that we could afford to throw away money to slowly kill ourselves. So, if I'm not seeing the financial gains of quitting, what then could possibly make quitting something I didn't want to quit worth it?

I'll tell you. Two things. 1.) I no longer have to make daily trips to the gas station. This might sound trivial to some, but its a very big deal to me. I have always despised the fact that my addiction had power over me on a daily basis. I make the call to stop at the 7-Eleven now, not some chemical in my blood stream.
2.) And this is really number one, but I just saved the best for last. My kids are thrilled that Mommy and Daddy have quit smoking. What more do I need?

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