Sunday, October 17, 2010

About Tomorrow

My game plan for tomorrow is to get up early, get the kids off to school and spend the day spring cleaning. I'm gonna organize the kid's play room and then pull out all our winter clothes that are still in boxes from the move. Those two things should keep me busy for a big portion of the day.

If I start to have a nicotine fit, I plan to battle it with a walk around the block or my best friend's treadmill.

I'm going to stay as busy as possible tomorrow, so I may or may not post. I got a feeling sitting here writing about how much I want a cigarette isn't going to help keep my mind off of it, know what I mean?

I'll be listening to a lot of music tomorrow, too. Loud, real loud. That always helps.

This is my favorite shut up and deal with it, put your big girl panties on song.
I know its all 'cheezy girl power' and stuff, but that's the whole point.

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