Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day 6 - Don't Smoke Em If You Got Em

I'm pretty sure I figured out today how not to feel like ass while taking Chantix. I haven't got all the kinks worked out in my theory just yet, cause its all, like, scientific and experimental and I'm still testing the hypothesis. But, here it is, ready? Ok...if you want to stop feeling like death warmed over while taking Chantix you should....

Stop smoking immediately.

You're probably thinking, Well, duh, Kim. But, its not as much of a no-brainer as it sounds. See,when the directions said I could continue to smoke for the first week, I thought that meant I could, get this, continue to smoke for the first week. I was woefully wrong. See, what they really mean by "you can continue to smoke through the first week" is "you can continue to smoke for the first week as long as it doesn't start making you feel like road kill. Should you start to feel like road kill, lighten up on the lighting up, you moron."

I finally put 2 and 2 together and tried cutting drastically back on the smokes today, and viola, those awful side effects I've been complaining about seem to have subsided for the most part. So,

Increased Chantix dosage + continued smoking = Worst Hangover Ever.

They really aught to warn people about that. Any self-respecting smoker is gonna want to savor the joys of tobacco use for as long as they can. You tell somebody they got 7 days, well, they want their 7 days.

Does Chantix work? Yes, in my case Chantix is working so good that it looks like I'll be having my last cigarette well before Monday. I, personally, would have preferred to stop on Monday as planned, but obviously, I'm not in charge of that decision, the pill is. And, I ain't pickin a fight with the pill. Not after the butt-kicking it gave me yesterday.

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