Monday, October 18, 2010

The Longest Day

Great movie by the way, The Longest Day.

So, It is about 1:30 pm on the 7th Day of Chantix, the day of reckoning. You're supposed to bump up from taking .5mg twice a day to a full 1mg twice a day and stop smoking.

I was very concerned about the nausea the full dosage might cause me this morning, so I ran to McD's for a breakfast burrito combo, a #11 with an OJ and forced myself to eat it. Keeping food in your stomach is the key to staving off the nausea, which is only a problem for me in the morning, because I don't do breakfast.

I took my friend's advice, (thanks, Sarah) and took half the pill, then waited an hour to take the other half. The combination of doing this and eating breakfast must have worked because I had zero nausea.

So far so good on the not smoking. I smoked 2 this morning before I took the pill, but none since. Its going on about 5 hours since I've smoked and I can't say I'm jumping out of my skin. I want one, but I can manage. 5 hours, that's pretty good for me.

I checked in with Robby about two hours ago and he said he was doing well too.

My only complaint is that the Chantix makes me feel extremely drowsy. I hope that goes away as I adjust to the new dosage.

But, Woo hoo! I'm pretty happy with the progress today. Let's see if I can make it another 5 hours! After the kids get home from school will be the real test.

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