Friday, October 22, 2010

Idle Hands

Two days no smoking. None. Not even cheating in the morning.

I accidentally kind of on purpose took only half a Chantix today. I knew I had bidniz to take care of and needed all my whits about me. The full dose is still making me too drowsy to function. I tried counteracting the drowsy side effects with two pots of coffee, which worked, but my kidneys abruptly announced they would not tolerate that kind of abuse from me.

So, its been 3 days really (if you don't count that one cig I had in the morning 3 days ago) and my Chantix for the day wore off hours ago.

And yep, I'm coming out of my skin.

But, I'm cool. I'm cool. This too shall pass. Tomorrow I'll take my "methodone" like a good little recovering addict and all will be well.

In the mean time, kindly ignore the Tourettes and arm flailing, k?



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