Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Getting There

What day is this, anyway? The 9th or 10th? I'm starting to lose track. Its time to start going by weeks now I think. It's like those moms who try to hang on to aging their children by month well after 24 months. You ask, "So how old is your little guy?" And they say something, like, "Oh, he's 32 months." And you're, like, "So....he's two..."

Isn't that irritating?

We'll start calling this Week One of quitting. Technically this is Week Two, but since you're allowed to smoke for the first week of Chantix, we won't count the first week since it was more like preparation than 'gittin er done.'

How's it going so far?

Ok. Its going ok. I haven't died of a nicotine fit. Although the Chantix is making me feel pretty brain dead.

The mornings are the hardest. I cheat and take the Chantix about an hour after I get up so I can smoke a couple cigarettes with my coffee. Today I only had one though and its going on noon.

After I take the pill, I do alright. Yesterday I had the two I smoked before the Chantix, then another 3 for the entire day.

That's 5 cigarettes compared to the 20 to 40 I would normally smoke. Considering that I was a very heavy smoker, I'm giving myself a B+-.

Did you just notice that? I referred to being a smoker in the past tense!

Not quite there yet...but almost.

(Robby, my two-pack a day-er husband, is doing well too. Maybe even better than me, although he's cheating in the morning too.)

We're getting there...


  1. I'm very proud of the both of you. You are doing very well considering how much you moth smoke.

    Here is your grounding spoiler for the day.

    Chantix takes a very long time to build up in your body and a long time to process out. By this point you are at the optimum levels for your body, and the pills you are taking are just to maintain those levels throughout the rest of your treatment.

    So...what this all means is that the cheated smoke in the morning is purely a mental habit rather than a chemical. When take your pill has zero bearing on when you cheat a smoke. The Chanix levels have not diminished through the night and the nicotine you are ingesting is not making it to your pleasure receptors.

    The faster you can stop that last few smokes the better the chances this will work. They can definitely make or break this treatment.

    Keep up the great work.
    Next year we go on a vacation with the money you will save.

  2. One cig all day, guys! One cig!

    Tomorrow I'm shooting for the big zero!

    Gib, I do see what your saying about the morning smoking being habit more than addiction. Nevertheless, it is the most challenging time of the day for me. I smoked the most in the morning and at night.

    But tomorrow, I'm cutting out the morning smokes too. I only smoked one today, all day and that's including the morning. Tomorrow I will try none.

    Yes on vacation. What's the destination?

    Sarah, back atcha chick-a-dee.
