Thursday, October 14, 2010

Holy Crap! I Think This Shit Is Actually Working!

I just tried to smoke a cigarette and HAD TO PUT IT OUT!

I just didn't want it. Simple as that. I took a couple drags off of it, and...."bleck."

Why was it bleh? I don't know, it was all so weird. I've never smoked a cigarette and felt like it wasn't what I wanted. It was like it was missing something, like bland food.

How very bizarre. Really. I know that's what Chantix is supposed to do. It's supposed to make you not want to smoke. I guess I just didn't expect it to make the actual act of smoking that much of a turn off or something. I guess I thought it would be more like the nicotine patch in the sense that the patch is about keeping the nicotine level high enough in your body to prevent homicidal rage. With the patch, its still up to the smoker to do all the hard work. The smoker has to be able to resist the urge to smoke; the patch just takes the edge off. It doesn't make cigarettes suddenly seem icky. But, Chantix on the other hand, appears to have some sort of fairy dust/voodoo quality that magically makes smoking unpleasant to the smoker.

I lit up a cigarette, took two puffs and thought to myself, "Yuck, I don't want this." Then I put it out in the ashtray and walked away. Magic.


  1. Yes, m'am.. this is how it works! If you feel gross/nauseous, take a 1/2 and then wait and hour and take the other 1/2. (This will come in handy when you're into the full dosage..)

    <3 I'm proud of you. This is awesome.

  2. Thanks for the tip! I think your right, that will def come in handy.
